About technology

Steel pipe cases are installed at the intersections of underground communications with roads, railways, water bodies using hydraulic screw-type equipment/presses. The areas of application and use of the steel casings can be very diverse, such as: construction of water supply and sewage networks, construction of gas pipelines, heat and electricity transmission routes, installation of water fittings and many other areas related to underground construction works.

Basic data

Pipe diameter: 325 - 1620 mm
Materials: steel pipes
Drilling distance: up to 80 m

Advantages of technology

  • Much higher work efficiency is obtained during works that allows the customer to implement the project much faster.
  • The equipment is quite compact, so its operation requires small site areas.
  • It is possible to monitor the trajectory of the pipes.
  • Using this technology, pipelines can be installed directly into the existing wells or chambers without breaking them.
  • The technology does not cause vibration during work.

Description of technology process

9 m long steel pipe segments are driven through the earth from the bore pit of 15.0 x 4.0 m using a McLaughlin 54/60 auger boring machine. The soil is removed from the pipes positioned by means of augers inside the machine on which the boring head is attached. The boring head is attached to the front of the first pipe and starts boring under pressure into the ground. Hydraulic rams start pushing when the machine moves along the rails. The soil is discharged through the cavity on the left side of the unit. New steel pipe segments are welded and earth augers are connected to each positioned pipe. The process continues until the prepared entry pit is reached. When the steel pipe is pushed through, the augers are removed from the pipe together with all remaining soil.